If you consider yourself a coffee lover like us, you know we can’t live without our cup(s) of coffee.
These coffee memes perfectly reflect our thoughts.

Looking for a specific day of the week coffee meme? We found some.
What about coffee memes with some of your favorite characters from movies? There are a few here too.
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Skip around for a meme you’re looking for.
- Days of the Week Coffee Memes
- Animal Coffee Memes
- Good Morning Coffee Memes
- Coffee Addict Memes
- Waking Up Coffee Memes
- Funny Coffee Memes
- TV and Movie Character Coffee Memes
- Coffee Mug Memes
- Decaf Coffee Memes
- Coffee and Other Drinks Memes
- Coffee Shop Memes
- Holiday Coffee Memes
Days of the Week Coffee Memes
Because we need coffee every day of the week…
Sunday Coffee Memes
When it’s Sunday and you’re thinking about the coming week… I wish this Sunday had another weekend in it.
On Sunday my coffee is recreational as opposed to weekdays when it’s medicinal. Though we do hope you enjoy every cup of coffee you make in the mornings!
It’s Sunday morning. You’re waking me up without bringing me coffee. And I don’t smell cinnamon rolls. For your sake I hope I’m having a bad dream. Don’t we all wish we could wake up to coffee and cinnamon rolls every day? And if you don’t have access to cinnamon rolls, you could add cinnamon to your coffee really easily.
Monday Coffee Memes
Can I please have a Monday sized coffee to go? Is this coffee big enough for Mondays?
How to summon me on Monday morning. And we’ll probably actually take those 5 cups of coffee and the whole pot too.
Some days, I just can’t get enough coffee… These days are called: Mondays! Mondays can be tough and coffee helps.
It’s Monday. Let’s do this. Batman starts his Mondays just like we do. Except, with coffee in hand, he’s doing things to save people and doing superhero things.
Tuesday Coffee Memes
I only drink coffee on days that end with the letter Y. Tuesday is one of those days.
Congratulations on being only 20 cups of coffee away from the weekend. So if it’s Tuesday, that means about 5 cups of coffee per day before Saturday… sounds good.
Wednesday Coffee Memes
Happy hump day! I need coffee now! It’s hump day aka Wednesday. Coffee is still needed on this day of the week.
Thursday Coffee Memes
Get a hold of yourself, Bob… the coffee is almost ready and tomorrow is Friday! Sometimes you need a friend like Bob’s friend who will remind you that it’s Thursday aka Friday eve.
Friday Coffee Memes
May your coffee be strong and your Friday short… And we made it to Friday! The day will go by before you know it, as long as you have coffee.
It’s Friday the 13th and I didn’t have my coffee yet. Be. Very. Scared. When you haven’t had your coffee yet in the morning, you might not be in the mood to talk to anyone. And if you’re superstitious about Friday the 13th, you better prepare for what’s to come before coffee.
Saturday Coffee Memes
Smile. It’s Saturday. Ahh the weekend is here. Enjoy that cup of coffee (that you preferably added a little extra something that you usually wouldn’t have on the weekdays… try our amaretto coffee or one of our coffee martinis!)
Animal Coffee Memes
Looking for animal coffee memes? Here are several, from many cats and dogs ones, to even an anteater and the Geico gecko.
Do you smell coffee? Neither do I make some. This rabbit is not happy without its coffee.
Got my coffee! Bring it on life. When coffee is in hand, this is how we feel. Life can resume.
I just saved 100% on stress by drinking more coffee. Read this in the Geico gecko’s accent.
All that is keeping me from killing you is my coffee. What a violent little squirrel.
My secret to looking this gorgeous every morning is… coffee, lots and lots of coffee! Want to look gorgeous every morning? Take the advice from the camel.
That moment when the coffee finally kicks in. The seal’s eyes have been open. Ready for the day.
If you are going to say words to me this morning, please also hand me some coffee so I can understand them. Some of us really don’t want to talk to anyone until we have coffee. This monkey understands.
Coffee. I think it’s kicking in. Do you feel more awake when you’ve finally had coffee? This owl looks wide awake and alert.
Frog Coffee Memes
I just need to finish this cup of coffee, then I’ll be ready. For more coffee. Kermit being relatable. We’ll be ready once we’ve finished our first cup of coffee. But we’ll always be ready for more.
All men should make coffee for their women. It says it right in the Bible… “Hebrews.” Some advice to the men from Kermit the frog.
Cat Coffee Memes
Cat have the best reactions and these cat coffee memes combine their expressions with our thoughts about coffee.
I heard the coffee maker beep. Is it safe to come out yet? This cat knows its owner well. From experience, he or she probably knew what would happen when coming out of the room before coffee has been consumed.
Where… is… my… coffee? Cute and relatable. We are all wondering where our next cup of coffee is. All the time.
Excuse me… is that coffee I smell. This cat can smell coffee from a mile away.
I love the smell of socially accepted chemical dependence in the morning. Just look at that face!
Read More: 5 Funny Coffee Mugs for Cat Moms
Dog Coffee Memes
When you order a coffee and they ask, “decaf or regular?” This dog giving the side eye has us laughing.
Before coffee, after coffee. But that dog is cute either way.
Read More: Coffee Without the Caffeine: 7 Best Decaf Coffee to Try
Good Morning Coffee Memes
This is how I like my first cup of coffee… alone. Good morning, please don’t talk to me just yet. So relatable if you’re one of those people who just can’t before a morning cup of coffee.
Good mor… no. Though to be fair, both are pretty cool creative cups of art. Yes, even the grumpy cat one.
Coffee Addict Memes
Coffee helps me to person. Personing is hard without caffeine. And does the person help the coffee to coffee?
My emotional support animal is coffee. A very candid confession.
Waking Up Coffee Memes
Because waking up with coffee is the best way to wake up.
Even your coffee is surprised you woke up this early. Even coffee has feelings.
Before coffee, after coffee. From evil looking gremlin to fluffy cute gremlin. This is the transformation thanks to having a cup of coffee when you wake up in the morning.
I don’t roll over and hit snooze. I roll over and hit brew. What a great way to think about waking up. Plus, imagine having a coffee maker right by your bed. That delicious coffee smell better excite you.
Funny Coffee Memes
You are strong, you are beautiful and you make the world a better place. Oh sorry, I was just talking to my coffee. Because coffee is strong, beautiful and makes the world a better place. No harm in letting coffee know.
I eat salad every day. Bean salad. Coffee bean salad. Coffee. I drink coffee every day. When somehow a salad became coffee…
That feeling when you run out of coffee. When you just haven’t planned in and advance and forgot to restock on your favorite coffee. Maybe a coffee subscription would make sense and you’ll never run out. Makes sense to us.
How do I take my coffee? Preferably undisturbed and in reverent silence. Garfield here expressing those non morning people’s thoughts. Please do not talk to us and give us complete silence until after we’ve had coffee.
My biggest contribution to workplace safety is having a cup of coffee in the morning. Should this be a new talking point during workplace safety training?
Coffee IV Meme
What do you mean I have too much blood in my caffeine system? We prefer tasting our coffee but if caffeine is what you’re going for and you’re pressed for time, hook up the coffee IV. Let us know if it works.
TV and Movie Character Coffee Memes
When some of your favorite TV and movie characters drink coffee…
Star Wars Coffee Memes
Coffee now, conquer the universe later. Darth Vader in a pretty field of flowers on a sunny day drinking coffee. That’s it.
Help me, caffeine. You’re my only hope. When Obi-Wan Kenobi became coffee.
You may call it coffee. I call it my emotional support beverage. The wisdom of Yoda extends to coffee.
Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee. Just Baby Yoda holding a coffee mug.
This is not the latte you’re looking for. We’re all really just looking for lattes not droids.
Read More: Star Wars Coffee Mugs
Minion Coffee Meme
These Minions from Despicable Me are some little yellow characters with big personalities. Some are even coffee drinkers.
Where is my coffee?? The question of the day put out there by this Minion. (Does he not realize it’s in his hand…)
The only thing bigger than a cup of coffee is a bigger cup of coffee! How big can a big cup of coffee get? Hoping this Minion is working on getting the answer.
Normally I don’t brag but I made it out of bed before 12 PM. We’re guessing coffee contributed to this achievement.
Disney Character Coffee Memes
Until we get fresh coffee there will be no “whistle while we work.” Advice from Snow White. Is this why those 7 dwarves seemed happy to do their work? (Minus Grumpy.)
Finished my cup of coffee, now back to work. Oh look! A cup of coffee! Everyone, Dory from Finding Nemo has found another cup of coffee.
How coffee makes me feel. From waking up to feeling glamorous like Cinderella, coffee can do it all.
Before coffee… after coffee. What coffee does to transform Marshmallow to an Olaf. (Marshmallow and Olaf are characters from the movie Frozen for those who are unfamiliar.)
Anime Coffee Meme
I asked for a strong coffee. Wasn’t disappointed. Whether you know who this anime character is or not, he looks strong so there you go, strong coffee.
Coffee Mug Memes
… still not enough. When one cup of coffee might actually be enough. Maybe not for that lady though.
Coffee sizes – tall, grande, the day after daylight saving time starts. Because daylight savings is just the worst. Coffee to the rescue, that is the day after daylight saving size coffee cup size to the rescue.
Stealing someone’s coffee is a crime called “mugging.” Clever. But what if it’s a paper cup.
Mugshot criminally inadequate size for coffee. When a coffee mug gets arrested… for being just 8 ounces aka one cup.
Decaf Coffee Memes
Decaf coffee? You mean brown sadness water. And regular coffee is brown happiness water.
How do you feel when there is no coffee? Depresso. We’ve all been depresso at some point.
Decaf coffee? Would you like some orange free orange juice with that? Well if you put it that way, Willy Wonka.
My name is Inigo Montoya. You served me decaf… prepare to die. The Princess Bride gets a meme. (Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.)
Coffee and Other Drinks Memes
Coffee and Wine Memes
AM PM. A profound statement with just four letters and two emojis. Though really, we could do with the coffee emoji for both AM and PM.
The hours between coffee and wine really are pointless. If coffee is the beverage of the morning and wine the beverage of the evening, what are the hours in between?
Red Bull Coffee Meme
I put Red Bull in my coffee and now my heart sounds like dubstep. Probably not the most advisable thing ever, but it’s funny.
I put Red Bull in my coffee this morning instead of water and now I can see noises. If you make your coffee with Red Bull, you do you.
Coffee Shop Memes
When you have coffee at home. When you have coffee out in public. Who else gets all dressed up to drink coffee at coffee shops?
Starbucks Coffee Memes
Instead of going to Starbucks, I make my coffee art home, yell my name out incorrectly, then light a $5 bill on fire. This is actually quite an accurate description of what happens at Starbucks.
Read More: 25+ Starbucks Coffee Memes
Spilled Coffee Meme
Nothing is ever really yours until you spill coffee on it. So if we spill coffee on whatever we really want, will it be ours?
Holiday Coffee Memes
Christmas Coffee Memes
Coffee!! I need more coffee!!!! The Grinch expressing our need for coffee during the holiday season.
Coffee break. Even on Christmas Eve, you’ve got to take a break sometime. And somehow Santa and the reindeers manage to get presents to every household around the globe.
Answering the question of how they fly around the world in one night. Now we know how reindeer can manage to stay awake all night delivering all those anticipated presents.
I just like coffee. Coffee’s my favorite! Says Buddy the Elf.
Groundhog Day Coffee Meme
The groundhog was really looking for coffee. And when he realized he had better coffee back in his home, we had 6 more weeks of winter.
National Coffee Day Meme
Drink all the coffee. A very, very enthusiastic approach to drinking coffee, it’s perfect for National Coffee Day because National Coffee Day is really actually every day.
Birthday Coffee Meme
My birthstone is a coffee bean. What’s yours?
Read More: Must-Have Coffee Jewelry for Coffee Lovers
Free Coffee Meme
How I would get kidnapped. Follow the free coffee.
Coffee Poop Meme
Takes one sip of coffee. The poop in my butt. Not a great visual but hey.
What’s that? You don’t need to poop? I can fix that. Says the cup of coffee you’re just about to drink.
Magic Beans Coffee Meme
Don’t let anyone tell you that fairy tales aren’t real… I drink a potion made from magic beans everyday, and it brings me back to life. Because coffee is magical.
Dark Coffee Meme
Hello darkness my old friend. In fact, a coffee lover’s best friend.
Coffee Mom Memes
When your kids start yelling before you can take your first sip of coffee in the morning… Need that quiet before coffee.
When you go to reheat your coffee and you find the offee you never had the chance to drink yesterday. When it’s been one of those days. And when you’ve had one of those days and barely have time to make coffee, did you know you can make coffee in the microwave.
Coffee Spill Meme
I may not cry over spilled milk. But… I’ll lose my freakin’ mind over spilled coffee. Don’t cry over spilled coffee is the new phrase.
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